Episode 43 – Computer Fatigue/Vision Syndrome


As the accidental experiment of remote work/telecommuting unfolds in response to a Covid-19 reality, what are the implications we will discover downstream of this new social reality as people sit in front of screens for inhumane amounts of time, looking at surreal representations of co-workers on ZOOM one may never have met in real face-to-face time?  Heavy stuff, eh! But seriously, take care of your coconut (brain) and your eyes so you can avoid digital eye strain, blurred vision, eye irritation, headaches, etc.  What can you do?:

1) Every 20 minutes, take a 20 second break and look at something 20 feet away

2) Do some eye crunches for 20 seconds

3) Blink 10 time

4) Every 4 hours take a 15 minute break

Showcase Resources: 

1) Read this article from the Canadian Association OF Optometrists for a concise yet thorough overview of Digital Eye Strain at –  https://opto.ca/health-library/computer-vision-syndrome-digital-eye-strain

2) Check-out these YouTube videos:

  1. Do you have computer vision Syndrome –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wMqzF6_q9s
  2. Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qqRo31_rdc
  3. Digital Eye Strain & Computer Vision Syndrome – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHJ2Ksxi3Hs    

3)  What is Zoom Fatigue:https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/zoom-fatigue-is-setting-in-1.5585933 

4) As an etcetera thought, in terms of my interest in the bow, check out this video if you are interested in learning “How to Wai properly” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tec9pCjkoxo

Salutations for now! Peace, take care, be well, and share! 

Episode 42 – Beach Party and Words of Wisdom from Viktor E. Frankl about the Meaning of Life


What does a beach party have to do with the meaning of life?  In this morning file, I invite you to join me and Woodrow II as we start off the day with some music and a thought for the day to make one think.  The thought of the day is a quote from Viktor Frankl which is one of my favourites about the meaning of life. The quote comes from the book, “MAN’S SEARCH FOR MEANING,” which I believe is a must read.  Be prepared for a long pause close to the end of the file as I wanted to provide some space for wonder.  Also, I should note, while reading the quote from pages 108 to 109, I felt inclined in the moment to add some inclusive language (specifically, the word “one”) as an effort to make the ideas more accessible to all.  I know it is not a choice all would make or agree with.  I am also well aware my decision to open things up by using the word “one” also somewhat hampers the flow of the read.  My hope is that the sharing experience is still a great way to start the day. 

Showcase Resource:

1) “Man’s search for meaning,” by Viktor E. Frankl.  Try to find it first at your local library or else you can go to Amazon at this link:      https://www.amazon.ca/Mans-Search-Meaning-Viktor-Frankl/dp/0807014273/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1EF4VCVTZGHFF&keywords=mans+search+for+meaning+viktor+frankl&qid=1588768595&sprefix=mans+%2Caps%2C175&sr=8-1


Peace, be well, take care, and share! 

Episode 41 – Morning Prayer to Start Off the Day


Open the curtains, get comfortable, and sip some tea for a moment of mindfulness to orient the day.  I discovered this gem while reading, “Awakening The Buddha Within,” by Lama Surya Das.  I would like to quote what Lama Surya Das wrote about this prayer on page 184: “The Buddha himself said that if you repeatedly practice this meditation and recitation – with a forgiving, loving heart, while relinquishing judgement, anger, and prejudice – great benefits will definitely ensue: You will sleep easily, wake easily, and have pleasant dreams; people will love you; celestial beings will love you and protect you; poisons, weapons, fire, and other external dangers will not harm you; your face will be radiant and your mind concentrated and serene; and you will die unconfused and be reborn in happy realms.” W.O.W. – Words of Wisdom!



May all beings be happy, content, and fulfilled.

May all beings be healed and whole.

May all have whatever they want and need.

May all be protected from harm, and free from fear.

May all beings enjoy inner peace and ease.

May all be awakened, liberated, and free.

May there be peace in this world, and throughout the entire universe.


Peace, take care, and be well



Episode 40 – The Essence of One Word in a Three Word Poem, other Word Contestants, and Its Motivation


Jump into this episode (#40 and not #37 as would be expected) with me as I talk about the importance of showing care in the way we talk to one another to avoid avoidable regrets.  Words, while limiting, are also powerful.  We need to be mindful and practice “Right Speech.”  During this episode, appropriately, I was wearing my “No Regrets” T-shirt which I attempt to link into the conversation at the end of the episode.  The episode ends with a clip of me and my boys attempting to create the content for the One Word episode.    

Setting the tone for the episode:

1) Quote: “Better than a meaningless story of a thousand words, is a single word of deep meaning which, when heard, produces peace.” – From the Dhammapada (Sayings of the Buddha)

2) T-shirt idea: “Quest, Create, Grow”

Showcase Resource:

1) AWAKENING THE BUDDHA WITHIN by Lama Surya Das.  Possibly, the book might be available at your local library or click here to find it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Awakening-the-Buddha-Within/dp/B071VHSK5W/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=lama+surya+das+Awaking+the+buddha+within&qid=1588520477&sr=8-1

Peace, take care & be well!