Episode 61 – One last look in the mirror of Hesse’s “Siddhartha”


This episode is the unexpected part two to episode 60.  Danielson and I continued to explore our respective relationships with the book “Siddhartha,” a book we both initially picked up in early adulthood and have revisited a number of times over the different chapters of our unfolding lives.  The first order of business was to provide a synopsis of the book, an important task overlooked in episode 60.  We both shared how our most recent “look into the mirror” has changed the manner in which we relate to the book — how the book speaks to us. Finally, Danielson concludes the discussion by asking me two self-stretching questions.  

Related Episode(s):

1) Episode 6 – Standing up to Anxiety and Confronting the Absurd (hopefulhumanistcafe.com)


Please email me at hopefulhumanistcafe@gmail.com to share your cool tool resources for others to consider for their spiritual tool boxes and/or any activity that you think can nurture the human need for creativity.  


Thank-you for joining me for a blithering tip-of-the-iceberg conversation about life.  The conversation is ongoing and continuous!

Peace, take care, be well, and share


Episode 60 – Just Two Ones Blithering about Hesse’s “Siddhartha”


In this historic episode, I am joined for the first time ever with a guest – the one and only Danielson – for an unedited, in-the-moment, blithering conversation about Hermann Hesse’s classic novel, “Siddhartha.”  Although we initially intended to start the conversation off by providing a synopsis of the story, we never actually got around to it and just dove into a back and forth discussion about impressions and personal reflections.  As such, I would recommend one first read the novel before listening to our humble analysis of Hesse’s work.  


T-shirt Ideas: 

1) Danielson – “Hear the river” (Not – “Here, the river)

2) Hopeful – “Limited View” (play on the idea of “Right View“ – a step on the noble 8-Fold Path) & “Lost Opportunities”


1) Here is attached Danielson’s short essay about “Siddhartha,” by Hermann Hesse accessible at Goodreads.  In this essay, Danielson explores the theme of getting out of time to wake up to the eternal in the moment one finds oneself.  Click here to access the essay: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3433268299

2) For those that might need to read the novel first before listening to the blithering back-and-forth between me and Danielson, this free click-able link can help you get started: https://www.apnamba.com/Ebooks-pdf/Siddhartha.pdf

Related Episode(s):

1) Episode 1 – The Happier Quest (hopefulhumanistcafe.com)


Please email me at hopefulhumanistcafe@gmail.com to share your cool tool resources for others to consider for their spiritual tool boxes and/or any activity that you think can nurture the human need for creativity.  


Thank-you for joining me for a blithering tip-of-the-iceberg conversation about life.  The conversation is ongoing and continuous!

Peace, take care, be well, and share