Thinking of the absurd – a family sabbatical

Is it possible?  We (my wife and I) have visited numerous blogs and websites by other brave souls who have reported they have done it or are doing it – they allegedly have gathered the family together and closed up the home shop to take the gang on the road to travel to exciting foreign destinations, eat exotic foods, swim in luxurious waters, explore ancient ruins, and break bread with locals and vagabonds alike trotting across the globe to experience the expansion and enhancement of self, taste the diversity of life, and wake up from the mundane comings and goings of a 9 to 5 life.  Could we do it?  Or is it just a pipe dream, the thought of a passing distraction that soon enough comes crashing back down because life just does not work like that?  Sometimes, I wonder if the hope for such a reality is just pure and utter selfishness or if it would even be a responsible thing to do knowing we have two young beautiful boys aged four and six.  But what if on the other hand not pursuing such an impulse is a lost opportunity for a chance to truly realize the privileged moment life ultimately could or can be?

While our desire for such a family sabbatical is strong the actuality of such a trek appears bleak in terms of the immediate here-and-now so must exist as a future possibility as we need to first pay off our bills, thicken our wallets for the journey, and prepare a nest egg for our eventual return from the road.  Here in, this blog, I would like to chronicle our efforts to turn this dream into a reality.  Our start date for this three-year vision is memorialized in the posting of this blog entry – February 19, 2016.